Meet Demo Farm Director, Briana Rock

We continue with the rest of our “Meet the Program Staff” spotlights with our Demo Farm Director Briana Rock. Briana is a native of Birmingham, Alabama but currently resides in Auburn. This is Briana’s first summer to serve on Program Staff, but like most of our staff this summer, she’s worked as a camp counselor in the past.

She was actually looking forward to being a counselor again this summer, when Camp Director Matt Rickman asked for her help with Demo Farm. Lucky for Briana, this was something she’d always been interested in, so she accepted! Every morning she rises early with the rest of the Farm Staff as they head to the farm for morning clean-up. She also gets to feed and spend quality time with the animals before breakfast.

Program staff holding a water hose

This summer, Briana will be in charge of bringing campers to the farm where they’ll get to pet some of the animals, as she shares fun facts about them. Aware that this isn’t easy for everyone, Briana looks forward to seeing campers face their fears and enjoy this new experience!

Stay tuned for more “Meet the Staff” spotlights on their training on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, and right here on our website!

Program Staff members holding a baby goat

Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Meet the Program Staff

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