Meet Lane Martin, Camp ASCCA Farm Staffer

Each day this week, I will be focusing on one individual from our program staff that is a part of the Camp ASCCA farm staff. Today, I will tell you a little about Lane Martin.

Lane is from Dothan, Alabama, and this is his first summer working at Camp ASCCA. Lane is a part of the farm staff, and with that, he will be in charge of the fishing program here at Camp. I had a little time yesterday to sit down with Lane and ask him a few questions about himself and fishing. When asked, “Why did you choose fishing?” Lane said, “Because I love fishing, and everyone should have the opportunity to fish and learn the basic principles of it. Because I love it so much, I want to teach campers how to fish. Everyone should have the opportunity to learn”.

If Lane is not out fishing on a Saturday, you could probably find him watching Florida State Football, which is his favorite sports team. Lane has fished for quite some time and has caught several fish, but the largest fish he ever caught was an eight pound largemouth bass. Lane prefers to freshwater fish and when asked why, he said, “I like to work a lure to get the fish to come to it instead of just dropping bait in the ocean.” I learned a lot about fishing from Lane yesterday, and I can not wait to see what he will teach those who come to Camp.

Be sure to keep up with our farm staff this week and other news by visiting our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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