Meet Madi Corbin, Camp ASCCA Farm Staffer

Each day this week, I will be focusing on one individual from our program staff that is a part of our Camp ASCCA farm staff. Today I will tell you a little about Madi Corbin.

Madi is from Auburn, Alabama, and she is no stranger around Camp ASCCA. Madi has worked here at Camp for four summers, and this year is her fifth summer. She has been involved in a lot of different roles while working at Camp such as CIT, which is a counselor in training,SCIT, and for the past two summers she has been a counselor. This summer is her first year on program staff and she will be in charge of the demo farm.

I got the chance to sit down with Madi earlier to get to know more about her and the time she has spent here at Camp ASCCA. I asked her why she chose demo farm and she said, “I grew up loving animals and had various experiences with farm animals through family members and friends.” Madi is looking forward to a great summer, but she is most excited about, “seeing the campers expand on their knowledge of farm life and the joy that the animals will bring them.”

A little more about Madi outside of Camp is that she is a Junior at Auburn University majoring in Special Education and Theater, and when she graduates she wants to work in elementary special education. Her favorite farm animal is a pig, and that is because Hammy, the pig that lives on the Camp ASCCA farm, actually belongs to her. When you are here for camp be sure to check out how cute he is.

Madi has a lot of memories from camp but her favorite memory was, “seeing the campers who are very shy come out of their shell and show their true colors because of Camp”. Madi has a lot of skills when it comes to taking care of animals, but what makes her special is the heart she has for the campers that come to Camp ASCCA.

Be sure to keep up with our farm staff this week and other news by visiting our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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