Meet Nurse Elle!

Meet Nurse Elle Simpson!
We would like to welcome Elle to her first summer here at Camp ASCCA! Elle recently graduated from the University of Wyoming where she received her nursing degree (RN), worked in ER rotation, and volunteered as an EMT.

When Elle is not nursing, she enjoys hiking and horseback riding. In fact, Elle served as Horseback Program Staff and Assistant Course Director for three summers at Camp SOAR in Wyoming, a camp similar in many ways to our very own Camp ASCCA. Some little known facts about Nurse Elle: She once caught a shark while fishing (scary!!), she had a hedgehog named Thor the Hedgehog Warrior King, and she once shook hands with Elton John on stage! Wow!

When asked what her favorite part about being a nurse at Camp ASCCA was, she was very quick to say camper hugs and activities! If you ever visit camp for any length of time you will certainly understand the impact of those smiles and hugs. The biggest challenge she noted was time management. The nurses have a huge job to give the proper medicines and treatments to many, many campers each week. We are very thankful for Elle and all of the nurse staff who keep us healthy and strong for all the adventures that camp has to offer. Thank you, Nurse Elle!

Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 4: 2015

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