Meet Nurse Morgan!

Camp ASCCA is proud to introduce Nurse Morgan Rogers! Morgan is a native of Scottsboro, Alabama and received her degree in Nursing from Auburn University in August of 2014. Since that time, Morgan has worked as a Med. Surg. RN in Chattanooga, Tennessee and plans to work as a travelling nurse following camp this year — First stop New Orleans!

Nurse Morgan has a variety of hobbies including playing and watching sports, swimming, hunting, and reading. Her favorite sport to play and watch is tennis.

Morgan volunteered at Camp ASCCA during her college years, but we are excited to welcome her to back for her first summer as nurse staff! When asked what her favorite part of the job was here at camp, she excitedly replied with “Night rotations,” stating that it was a great time to talk to and get to know the campers. The biggest challenge she mentioned was that every camper is different. Not only does Camp ASCCA serve many campers each week, but also each camper has very different needs and different ways that they are accustomed to going about things. The nurses have an amazing ability to get to know these needs quickly and meet the campers where they are. Thank you for your patience and compassion, Morgan and Nurse Staff!

Morgan wished to impart to our readers that Camp ASCCA is an amazing place and a world unto its own! We hope that you will come see for yourself!

Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 4: 2015

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