Meet Nurse Susan!

Camp ASCCA is proud to introduce Nurse Susan Jones!

Nurse Susan comes to us from Northport, Alabama (close to Tuscaloosa). Susan has a diverse educational background, holding a degree from the University of Alabama in Telecommunications and Film and a Nursing Degree from Southern Union State in Opelika. Prior to becoming Nurse Staff at Camp ASCCA, Susan held a RN preceptorship in Pediatrics and worked in Internal Medicine for a doctor’s office.

Nurse Susan has a passion for music and has even been on the radio! In fact, in 2009 Susan covered a feature story about Camp ASCCA on Alabama Public Radio. How neat! Susan also enjoys kayaking, learning new things, and is an animal lover.

This is Susan’s first summer as Nurse Staff, but this is certainly not her first summer working at camp. Susan has served as a counselor and Program Staff for Zipline and Group Elements starting in 2000. Susan mentioned that camp never leaves you and that when she had an opportunity to return she was thrilled! Susan’s favorite part of working as a nurse here at camp is interaction with the campers, a common thread it seems amongst our Nurse Staff. When asked what the biggest challenge of the job is, Susan said that it is really hard to watch the campers leave. The Staff at Camp ASCCA form close bonds with campers over the week. You get to know them and truly miss them when they leave, but the special connections we create will never be forgotten.

Susan wished to leave our readers with a final thought: “Come visit camp! If you have never seen it in person, spend one day and tell everyone about it. Camp changes lives.”

Thank you Nurse Susan and the wonderful Nurse Staff and Camp ASCCA!

Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 4: 2015

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