Meet Phyllis Morgan, Camp ASCCA Aquatics Staffer

Each day this week, I will be focusing on one individual from our program staff that is a part of our aquatics staff here at Camp ASCCA. Today, I will tell you a little about Phyllis Morgan.

Phyllis is from Hoover, Alabama, and this year is her first summer working at Camp ASCCA. Phyllis has known about camp for awhile because her older brother Rob worked at Camp in years past. Phyllis is excited about her first summer working at Camp, and she can not wait for Camp ASCCA to start. When I asked Phyllis why she wanted to join the aquatics team, she said, “I want to be a trauma surgeon or doctor when I graduate, so I want as much experience in as many different fields as possible”. Working at Camp ASCCA will give her some experience that she is looking for, especially working on our aquatics team.

Phyllis is looking forward to the great times she will have working at Camp, but she is mostly looking forward to “the joy of the campers not having limits in a pool or while tubing. Nothing can hold them back from having fun at Camp ASCCA”. Everyone has their favorite thing to do at Camp. Phyllis’s favorite thing to do is work the splash pad because that is when she gets to interact with the Campers the most. “More than any other aquatics thing we offer at Camp,” she added.

Outside of Camp, Phyllis lives a very busy life. Phyllis is a current student at Auburn University, majoring in Anthropology and the study of human conditions. Phyllis is also studying Aerospace, and Non-Profit Studies, which are her two minors. A fun fact about Phyllis is that she is a member of the Air Force ROTC program at Auburn, and she plans on commissioning her senior year. We wish nothing but the best of luck to Phyllis as she starts her first summer here at Camp, and we thank her for all the hard work she has put in to make Camp ASCCA the best place to be.

Be sure to keep up with our aquatics staff this week and other news by following our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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