Meet Clayton Smith, Camp ASCCA PR Intern

Greetings! My name is Clayton Smith. I’m originally from Dadeville, Alabama. This fall, I will be a senior at Columbia College Chicago where I study filmmaking (or Cinema and Television Arts).

Since I specialize in both film producing and documentaries, this has given me a unique perspective on my craft. As a documentarian, I have learned about the technical side of filmmaking (camerawork, editing, sound, etc.). As a producer, I have worked to figure out what draws audiences to certain movies and how I can push my own movies out to the public. While my work has never been easy, my love for the art-form of filmmaking keeps me motivated.

This will be my sixth summer working on Camp ASCCA’s Public Relations Staff. Six years in, this wonderful place feels just as fresh and exciting as when I first worked here as a high schooler. While it’s always a joy to reunite with longtime friends (whether campers or counselors), it’s especially exciting to meet the new staff members and watch them evolve over time. This summer’s staff is already shaping up to be one of the best yet, and I am thrilled to share their experiences with the rest of the world.

Stay tuned to Camp ASCCA’s YouTube channel for my future videos. Also, be sure to visit Flickr, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and the website for more great work from my fellow PR members. This is shaping up to be another unforgettable summer!

If you are interested to see my non-ASCCA work, please visit my Vimeo page.

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