Meet the Horseback Program Staff: Megan Smith

Megan is from Helena, Alabama and is a senior Special Education major at Liberty University Online. This is her second summer working at Camp ASCCA. Last summer she was a counselor, and she misses being able to have close relationships with campers. This year she works as Program Staff and enjoys being able to greet every camper at check-in. She loves being able to help at the different programs and see everyone.

Horseback is an afternoon sign-up activity sporadically throughout the sessions this summer. During this rotation, each camper gets the opportunity to ride a horse around the ring two times with spotters on each side. Many of the campers have never been on a horse before, so this experience is very exciting for them.

Tubing is Megan’s favorite activity at Camp ASCCA. She loves to see the camper’s faces light up while they are on the tube.

While working at camp, Megan has learned to “better relate to and accept all people and see their worth.” Camp ASCCA also helped her know that Special Education was the right field of study for her.

April Garrett, PR Staff
Summer 2016
Session 3

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