Meet the newest addition to the adventure staff, Casey Little!

Let’s give a warm welcome back to Casey! Casey Little is 21 years old, and this is her third summer at Camp ASCCA.This is also her first time on program staff. Her first two summers, she was a counselor. Casey is a part of this summer’s adventure staff, so I asked her why she made the big change. She said, “I wanted the opportunity to create relationships with more of the campers because as a counselor you could really only get close to one camper each week. Also, at Camp we give campers the opportunity to face their fears, and my past campers fears were always zipline so I chose adventure staff.”

Casey loves meeting the new and returning campers each year, especially her girl, Tiffany. The past two years Casey has been able to spend her summers with Tiffany at Camp as her buddy, and she never wanted to leave her side.Tiffany is forty five years old, and she has extreme cerebral palsy. She communicates with Casey by saying yes with one finger and no with two fingers. When I asked Casey what her favorite memory was she said, “By the end of last summer Tiffany was able to tap the beat of her favorite song, and it was so mind blowing that it filled my heart with joy.”

Casey attends the magnificent Auburn University studying Rehabilitation and Disabilities Studies, so when I asked her why she chose that degree she explained, “I want to use recreational activities to equip others with the tools to rebuild themselves.” Also, a fun fact about Casey is that she has a twin brother with a different birthday. Be sure to keep up with our adventure staff this week and other news by visiting our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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