Meet the PR Staff: Clayton Smith

Hello again! My name is Clayton Smith and this will be my 3rd summer working for Camp ASCCA’s Public Relations Staff. I am 18 years old and have recently graduated from Dadeville High School. I will be attending Columbia College Chicago, where I will be majoring in Cinema Arts + Sciences.

As before with my previous summers, I will be working hard to ensure that my photos, videos, and blog entries are top quality. I’m especially focusing on making my writing much more informative and to really delve into what makes Camp ASCCA what it is. The same goes for my videos, which I will be producing with the intent of come across as documentary-style quality. Not to mention that there are still plenty of fun/engrossing parts of camp that I have yet to cover.

Be sure to stayed tuned into the website, Flickr, and Youtube Channel for great content from myself and my fellow PR partners!

Here’s to another great summer at Camp ASCCA!

If you are interested in my non ASCCA work, please visit my YouTube channel.

Clayton Smith, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015
Orientation 2015

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