Meet the PR Staff: Clayton Smith

Greetings! My name is Clayton Smith. I’m 17 years old, I’m from Dadeville, and I’m close to finishing Dadeville High School. I am very much interested in filmmaking and I plan to become a director in the future.

You may remember me from last year. I was part of the PR Staff last summer. I have returned this summer with even bigger ambitions. While my material last year was good, there’s always room for something new. That’s what I strive for. I am always trying to bring out the best of my skills. With new counselors and campers, there will be a lot of new material to learn.

Over the next few weeks, you will find a plethora of content to behold. Whether it’s video, photos, or blog entries I will be covering Camp ASCCA’s story in exciting manners. I am looking forward to these upcoming weeks and I hope that you do too!

If you are interested in my non ASCCA work, please visit my YouTube page.

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