Meet the PR Staff: Kasey Langley

Hi everyone! My name is Kasey Langley, and I am one of this summer’s Public Relations staff members here at Camp ASCCA. I am currently a senior at Auburn University majoring in Radio, Television, and Film.

At Auburn, I am the station manager of our on-campus radio station, WEGL 91.1 FM. I hope to one day become a sports broadcaster for both television and radio. I love all things Auburn and am proud to call myself an Auburn Tiger! War Eagle!

This summer is my third year at ASCCA, and my first as a member of the PR staff. I was a camp counselor for two years, and Camp ASCCA has impacted my life more than I had ever dreamed. After two years of being a counselor, I have discovered the emotion and compassion behind each moment and the impact of the relationships that are built. Every year there are new, life-changing stories to tell, and I believe that pictures and videos are the best ways to capture each one. Summer 2014 here at Camp ASCCA is going to be phenomenal, and as a PR staff member I cannot wait to share each and every moment with you!

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