Meet the PR Staff: Lauren Schifano

Greetings Camp ASCCA Blog Readers!

My name is Lauren Schifano and I am thrilled to be part of the PR team for Summer 2015. It was only recently that I heard about the wonderful work that Camp ASCCA has been doing for years, but I knew instantly that I wanted to be a part of it!

My history as a human being has been diverse to say the least. I hold 3 undergraduate degrees (Foreign Languages, History, and Health Promotion) from the University of North Alabama. In the midst of receiving all of this education, I unicycled down the state of Alabama, worked as a carnival performer, lived abroad in Austria, and met countless amazing people all along the way. I am proud to add Camp ASCCA as a hallmark in my life experience and I can’t wait to give back in the form of blog posts, pictures, and social media updates!
What truly brought me to camp, however, is a passion for nonprofit work and special needs populations. In the past, I worked closely with individuals with special needs in group home settings and through volunteering with Special Olympics. Having an opportunity to serve as a voice for the camp experience is an honor. I look forward to keeping you in the know!
Keep up with what’s going on at camp on Flickr, Facebook, and the Camp ASCCA Website.
Signing out for now!
Lauren Schifano, PR

Camp ASCCA Summer 2015

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