Meet The Staff: Nature

If you’ve got questions about anything outdoors, Adair Raybon is the girl you need to ask. We sat down with our Nature director on the program staff to see what she is looking forward to this summer.

What’s your name, age, and where are you from?

My name is Adair Raybon, I’m 23 and I am from Mobile, AL but I attend Auburn University—War Eagle!

What is your role here at camp?

I am the nature director, which means that I am responsible for nature programs such as teaching kids all they would ever want to know about wild life, trees, and all sorts of things like that.

How did you find out about Camp ASCCA and how many summers have you worked here?

I found out about Camp through my friend Melanie. She has a brother with Autism and she worked here for three summers. She was constantly talking about it and she finally convinced me to come work and this will be my second year.

Why is it important for parents to involve their children with disabilities or special needs in summer camps like ASCCA?

Camps like ASCCA give kids opportunities they would pretty much never have otherwise. It gives them a regular camp experience just like I had growing up (even cooler than Girl Scout Camp) and it gives them the opportunity to meet lots of new people. It also gives them the chance to create a lot of new friendships and do a lot of cool things they wouldn’t normally get to do.

What to you hope to gain by working here another summer?

Well, last summer I made some of the best friends I will ever have in my life. I hope to keep making those awesome connections and networking with people. And I hope to improve my own education about people with disabilities and to better my nature program.

And finally, now that ASCCA is just around the corner, what are you looking forward to most for this summer?

I cannot wait to see all the campers that I met last summer and check in with them and see what all they have been doing. I can’t wait to meet all the new counselors and see some of the returners from last year. I am also looking forward to meeting whatever new campers might be coming and help make their first summer the best summer of their lives.

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