Mexican Monday!


Our grand adventure traveling the world has started off to a great start and we cannot wait to tell you about all of the many things we have experienced so far!

Today was Mexican Monday.
We learned a lot about Mexican culture and traditions. We experienced the culture of Mexico in the food, music, clothes and we of course had to learn the language so we could communicate with the locals.

You have to dress the part and blend in… no one wants to look like a tourist. So this morning everyone showed up to flagraising dressed in bright colored clothes, sombreros and fun mustaches! No one is going to accuse us of being your typical tourist.

This week our amazing Kitchen Staff has been working extra hard to make sure we have an authentic dining experience.

Mexican Mondays Menu
Breakfast: Breakfast Burritos
Lunch: Tacos!!! (Always a camp Favorite)
Dinner: Chicken Fajitas
Today has been full of adventure and even though we had a siesta this afternoon we are EXHAUSTED from our day in Mexico so it is time for bed!
Buenas Noches!

As always it has been a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA!

Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2015

Mexican Monday
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