Mobile Rotary Film Festival!

Today was nothing but awesome here at camp! All of the campers have had a fantastic week and not ready for it to end!

After morning rotations, free choice, and supper it was time for the Mobile Rotary Film Festival!! Earlier in the week, everyone split up into their cabins and decided on a skit they wanted to perform. After everyone had their movie recorded they were then taken and edited and put together like an actual movie. All of the campers enjoyed getting to see themselves over the big projector in the Dunn Nature Center. All of the movies were great! Needless to say it was a pretty entertaining and relaxing night for everyone here at camp. Everyone enjoyed a night inside and their time together, as it is drawing to the end of the week!

Tomorrow is the last full day of the week for campers. Everyone is ready for it to be the best day of the week yet!!! Tomorrow is always a day that is looked forward to by everyone at camp. It’s Thursday night so that means its DANCE TIME!!!

-Abby Brown
Session 5

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