Moments of Joy

“Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies.” Erich Fromm

In my opinion, moments of love and joy culminate to provide a reason for existence through times of struggle and heartache. What I know of struggle and heartache is not the same as what most of the campers at ASCCA know.

The lives these children lead are courageous, enduring, inspiring, motivating; I say children because most of our campers are children at heart, a trait I sometimes envy. Purity, happiness, and peace are qualities I have seen though the eyes of these children.

Despite any physical or mental impairment, they have the ability to complete every task, endeavor just as I can; Camp ASCCA helps make that possible. I see this very thing in action daily.

There is nothing these campers can’t do just as well or better than I. I’ve watched in awe as campers climb the vertical rock wall with solely the use of their arms. I’ve seen campers with little ability to move their arms or legs swim and even stand in the pool. I’ve cheered as campers with a fear of heights have hoisted themselves to the top of the zip tower and zoomed past me on the line.

They inspire me. Their moments of joy encourage me to live my life to the fullest, to take nothing for granted, and enjoy the small things in life. Despite what hard times we may endure, we must look to others for encouragement – especially the brave ones, like my friends at Camp ASCCA.

-Lyndsie McClure
Session Three

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