More Than Just a Pool Party

With our second full day of camp in the books, I would like to say that yesterday brought us a little bit of everything including a lot of sunshine. We got lucky that it did not rain a single drop yesterday like it has the past couple of days, but with no rain brings one problem… the heat! The temperature went off the charts yesterday, and the air was filled with the scent of sunscreen. You could almost taste it. It was a hot one, but nothing is better than ending a hot day like having a pool party.

Two nights this week our aquatics staff have hosted a pool party for some of our campers and their counselors. Everyone has had the opportunity of going to the pool party, and everyone enjoyed their time in the pool with their counselors and the friends they have made here at Camp. The looks on the camper’s faces as they swam and played in the pool were of pure joy, and the same looks were coming from the counselors as well.

As I walked around the pool last tonight taking pictures of everyone, I started to think, “Why are pool parties so great?” While I was thinking about this, I noticed how some of the counselors were carrying their camper around in the pool and then it hit me. Some of our campers never get the chance to splash around in the pool, but here at Camp we have counselors who are willing to give everyone the chance to take a dip in the pool. Every day, I see more and more reasons why Camp ASCCA is such a special place, and yesterday, it was at the pool party.

Be sure to check out all of our pictures from last night’s pool party, by visiting our Flickr, and stay up to date with all Camp ASCCA news by visiting our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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