Mornings at Camp ASCCA

It’s an absolute Gorgeous day here at Camp ASCCA!

Tonight is the big dance that everyone has been waiting for so this morning everyone was decked out in clothes that are a blast from the past! Our theme these week has been decades and we have gone all out to celebrate our favorite decades. We have jammed out all week to our favorite songs and had fun bringing the best fashion of each decade.

The ladies of Moundville were rockin’ it this morning at flagraising and the guys of crow didn’t look to shabby themselves! They all did a great job leading us in our morning tradition of raising the flag and bonus points for all of you for starting the morning off in style.

Camper, Gene Patrick and counselor Jon Dollar raised the flag and then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

The quote of the day was read to us by Brooke McCarty.

“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time”

-John Lennon

We had 2 jokes this morning..

Gene Patrick:

Why did the chicken cross the road?


To see his girlfriend!

Makenzie Hallmark:

What is a ghost’s favorite berry?


A BOO-berry!

As always it’s a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA and we hope you have a great day as well.

– Sara Shea, PR

Camp ASCCA 2015


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