Music has been so much fun!
It was a great activity and in the perfect location.
We even had a special performance by Mr. Freddie Varnes on the harmonica.
Music took place in the Chapel. With a beautiful view, a cool breeze and a fun game no other activity could compare. The group was split up in teams, Boys against Girls!
The game went along with the Las Vegas theme this week and used a huge dice and a smaller dice. The huge dice when rolled decided what game category was played that round. The smaller dice decided what era of music to play for that round (60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s or 2000’s.

If they rolled a:
1. Dance Break: Who doesn’t love a dance break!
2. Rapid Fire: A counselor from each team is given a word, they then had a minute and 30 seconds to get with their team to think of as many song titles or song lyrics that had that word in them. The teams took turns going back and forth giving their answers until a team ran out of answers.
3. Singing Break: Whoever rolled the 3 got to pick a song for the group to sing along to the guitar with.
4. Movie Madness: The team was given 3 songs from different movies. The team had to guess what movie it was from if they got 2 out 3 movie songs correct the team received points. If they could name an actor from those movies they had the opportunity for bonus points.
5. Name that Tune!: Mary would play a song on the guitar and hum along (no words) and the team had to guess what the song was. When they got it right we all got to sing along to the rest of the song.
6. Finish the Lyric: Mary would play and sing a song… when she stopped singing the team had fill in the words. If they knew the next words in the song the team received a point, if they knew who the original artist of the song was they received bonus points.

Check out all the memories being made and more information about Camp ASCCA and it’s staff on Camp ASCCA’s website, ASCCA’s Flickr, Instagram (@campascca), Facebook and YouTube.
Camp ASCCA 2016