Musical Canvases on a Magical Monday

Today was an exciting day here at ASCCA. The first full day of camp started this morning with beautiful weather and a lot of fun! After breakfast, cabins split into their groups to start an exciting day! Many songs were sung this morning, but no Monday blues here at Camp ASCCA!

Today at music there was an exciting activity called musical canvases. Each camper started with their own canvas and when the song changed, they passed their canvas to their neighbor. It was fun for the campers to collaborate together and create unique masterpieces! When they got their original canvases back, it was great to see their faces light up.

After musical canvases, the group sang karaoke; a camp favorite. Campers sang at their lungs, played instruments, and danced their hearts out. We even got a special show from birthday girl Leila! This year Leila is in Cherokee, and it is her third summer at ASCCA. Today she got to spend her tenth birthday with all of her camp friends! Leila says her favorite things at camp are “splash pad, pool, zip line, and lunch!” We are so glad Leila chose to spend her birthday at the happiest place on earth! Happy birthday, Leila!

Birthday Girl, Leila

To see more pictures from today click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun that Camp ASCCA has in store.

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