My First Camp ASCCA Pool Party

Day 3 of Staff Orientation was great and full of learning but nothing was better than my first Camp ASCCA Pool Party. Before the actual party started the unit leaders were training the counselors on how to transfer campers who use a wheelchair into the pool to another counselor. Then that counselor can carry them throughout the pool so that they are safe and of course these specific campers will wear life jackets. Next they proceeded with the swim test for all counselors, unit leaders, program staff, and SCITs. If you are a part of the staff and you will be taking care of a camper you must pass the swimming test which states you are capable of being responsible for a camper while in the pool.

Once all of that was over the real fun began and I was not focused on getting in the pool but everyone looked like they were having so much fun. I just took pictures of everyone enjoying themselves in the pool. But, I realized I put my bathing suit on for a reason and that was to get in the pool and relax. So I did just that as well as practice with my team for the synchronized swimming contest division of the famous Camp ASCCA Staff Olympics, which are tonight! While we practiced others played volleyball and started on their singing career by singing along with the radio since they knew all the words to all the songs. We closed the night out with our traditional Goodnight song and it was so nice to hear everyone singing along with so much joy in their voices.

This was one of the best experiences I had so far being a part of the Camp ASCCA staff and I truly cannot wait until the next few weeks!

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