Nature You’re Neat

Our morning was spent learning all about nature! Our nature guy, Lance, did a great job showing us all the cool things around Camp like the blueberry bushes and pear trees.

Lance started the campers off outside with a game. He chose one volunteer to guard a turtle shell blindfolded. All of the other campers stood in a circle around him and were the prey. The object of the game was to get the shell without being caught. The campers had to be super quiet and sneaky in order for the task at hand to be accomplished.

Once our game was finished we made our way in the nature building to play one last game. This game was a little more complicated. Lance took a green dot and hid it in the evironmental center, campers had to look everywhere in order to find it. They looked under rocks, in the cave, and even on people!

After all the games we got to meet the reptiles! First the bearded dragon was brought out, our campers loved being able to pet him. Next came the turtle, a fun fact about him is that he was rescued right here at camp! Everyone was filled with questions about the reptiles. Lastly, came the snake! All of the campers were so brave, they all took turns rubbing his back.

Nature was so much fun today and we learned a lot! To see more pictures from today click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun that Camp ASCCA has in store.

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