New PR Staff Member: T.J.

Hello everyone! My name is Timotheus Gordon, Jr. (or T.J. for short) and I’m one of the PR staff at Camp ASCCA for the summer. I will be taking plenty of fun pictures of campers, capturing memorable moments of them exploring the campsite and enjoying the daily activities. Campers may see some of my pictures highlighted throughout the week. In addition to taking pictures, I will also post weekly blogs/vlogs on what’s happening at Camp ASCCA.

My hometown is Chicago, IL and I love to watch the Chicago sports teams (except for the Chicago Cubs). I adore participating in sports, especially football and boxing. I’m finishing up the MFA Writing program at SCAD-Atlanta while taking up freelance writing and event photography. I want to write books on my experience with autism and take pictures of famous events one day. One random fact about me is that I have an affinity for petting animals, especially dogs.

I am the co-founder of Abilities of the Arts (AbilitySota), an organization working to give a voice to the disabled adult community. AbilitySota uses a website dedicated to covering fashion, sports, arts, entertainment, health & fitness, and activism within the community.

If you want to look at some of my writings, visit any of the following sites:

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