New Smiles!

It was the second day of Camp ASCCA and it was a very special day because it was the Fourth of July Eve as Camp Director Matt Rickman puts it. Everyone was getting ready for the actual Fourth of July so what better way than the Camp ASCCA way to wear a bunch of USA gear and chant USA everywhere we went the day before. With a few schedule changes due to rain today we did our fireworks last night and they were truly epic!

You could see the joy on everyone’s face that they were ready for free choice yesterday. We had fishing, panning for gold, karaoke @ the OutPost and more but one of my favorites was the bungee trampoline. There were two little girls in particular that had such a change in emotion once they got to jumping. Emily would bounce all day on her own and you could just tell she loved it. Her counselor knew, even if Emily couldn’t say it, that she would love the trampoline. Once little Emily got on the trampoline you could not count the smiles on her face as she bounced her little legs away. I had never seen Emily smile until this very moment and I knew she was thinking, “Wow, I don’t have to jump on my own for once.” She thoroughly enjoyed the relaxation of the trampoline and I know this day will always be in her memories.

Vivi is another little girl that sparkled once she got on the bungee trampoline. Vivi is a very shy little girl but she loves to sing. Her counselor decided to do something different than Karaoke @ the OutPost for free choice this time and Vivi loved feeling the wind in her face as she bounced up and down. Be sure to check out all of our pictures from the first few days of Camp ASCCA, by visiting our Flickr, and stay up to date with all Camp ASCCA news by visiting our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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