New Zip Line Brings Happiness

Recently here at Camp, we have made a few changes. Earlier this year, our new LPR Zipline was built over our fishing pond here at Camp. LPR are the initials of longtime donors and friends, Peter Levy, Donald Perkins, and Glenn Roswal. Last Thursday, Camp ASCCA had the privilege of hosting two of the three donors to present the LPR Zipline in front of a few Camp ASCCA Board members.

After the presentation, everyone in attendance got to witness one of our campers, Cale Galloway, go down the new zipline. Cale had an amazing time on the zipline. His face was filled with so much happiness even more people wanted a chance to ride. After Cale, some board members also got to go down the the LPR zipline.

Yesterday, I had the chance to go visit the zipline. I have been on the zipline before, but yesterday was the first time I was able to see campers enjoy the new program. The faces that the kids would make were breathtaking, and the screams of pure joy were something a camera would never be able to capture. I am glad I got the chance to visit the LPR yesterday, and I look forward to every campers having their chance to enjoy such a wonderful experience.

To see more LPR pictures, be sure to check out our Flickr page and do not forget to follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for all Camp ASCCA news.

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