Night One Means Fun!

Tonight kicked off the first night of Session 1 and we could not be more excited to see what the week holds! During check-in, there was a quick rain shower, but campers stayed hopeful and dry. After dinner, half of the cabins went to the pool party while others were able to choose several free choice activities to participate in.

The free choice activities campers chose tonight were the bungee trampoline, karaoke at the Outpost, fishing, the Wii room, boat rides, and canoeing. While half of the cabins splashed and relaxed in the pool, the other half explored the different activities of the night!

The first night of the week is always a busy and exciting one. As campers get into the groove of the week, they are able to meet new and bond with old friends. It is an exciting time for Camp ASCCA!

To see more pictures from today click here. Make sure to follow along with us this summer to see all the fun Camp ASCCA has to offter.

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