Nightlights: A New Tradition

Camp ASCCA Session one campers were a part of many firsts in new traditions this week. Particularly a new tradition called “nightlights”. After the usual Thursday night dance, counselors and campers all gathered together on the back deck of the dining hall and got into groups with their cabins. Under the starry sky, nine paper lanterns were lit and sent floating in the air, one by one. Each paper lantern represents a cabin. As they stood and watched their cabin’s lantern fly, wishes were made and reflections on the week were thought about. Excitement was in the air because of the news that these session one campers were the ones to inaugurate this tradition!

Here’s to wishes made, may they all come true! It’s been a wonderful Session one and we can’t wait to see you all again next summer!

Megan Carruth, PR Staff
Session one

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