Not Your Average Wednesday

Not only was yesterday filled with exciting new activities, but we also concluded the day with our very own Camp Seale Harris Olympic Games. The day started with beautiful weather and our usual rotation activities—tubing, zip tower, nature, arts & crafts, swimming, sports & games, water slide, archery and fishing. After lunch we opened up one of camp’s favorite activities, high ropes. We had several cabins successfully tackle the high ropes course which includes an inclined log, rope bridge, cargo net, cable walk, cat walk and ends with a quick trip down the zip line; all, of course, taking place about 15 feet in the air. Several campers conquered their fear of heights yesterday and successfully completed the course with the support of their fellow cabin mates.

After supper the Olympic Games began. Our program staff was Team USA and the cabins selected their own cabin to represent, real or imaginary, in the games. Countries rotated between floor gymnastics, Wii boxing, ping pong, relay races, swimming races, archery and for the finale every country performed a synchronized swimming routine. We had some very creative floor gymnastics and synchronized swimming routines. With such an exciting day it was far from your average Wednesday.

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