Olympics or Clue?

After a routine, but certainly exciting, Tuesday we ended the day with an exciting new game. Our campers played a modified version of the traditional board game Clue.

The scenario was this: our head of security was guarding the ever-coveted Olympic Torch, when she was attacked from behind and the torch was stolen. It was up to the campers to go through a series of games to eliminate possible weapons, people, and places. However, unlike the original clue, our “people” were the program staff, the “weapons” were common items around camp (like a basketball net), and the “places” were various locations around camp.

The cabins rotated through several games that pitted them against the program staff which, upon the cabin winning, would provide some clues for the cabin to eliminate.

At the end of the night most of the cabins had caught the culprit and our Torch was returned back to its rightful place.

Remeber to check here for photos from the week!

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