Oscar C. Dunn Environmental Awards for 2008

This is the time of year we annual recognize some of our wonderful and most cherished contributors of Camp ASCCA.

Recently Camp ASCCA hosted an environmental day camp for a local school and two gentlemen, Col. Dick Bronson and Mr. Tommy Futral, yet again attended to volunteer their time and instruction.

Camp ASCCA camp director, Matt Rickman, took this time to present each of the men with an “Oscar C. Dunn Environmental Award”. This award honors individuals or organizations that have made major impacts to the environmental education programs of Camp ASCCA and the Oscar C. Dunn Rotary Environmental Center.

Thank you, Tommy and Col. Bronson, for your years of dedicated service and for continuting to further the education about our environment for many school-aged children and many children and adults with disabilities that attend camp throughout the year!

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