Our Talent is Wild! 

It’s Tuesday everyone, and that means it’s time for the talent show! This has been a tradition for a very long time, along with tacos, and it’s not one any campers would want to miss out on. This group of campers put on an absolutely exceptional show, so we’re all very glad this classic activity is still going strong!

While our talents are usually musical, we had three very original campers who chose to do something new. First time camper Eli wowed the crowd when he did a perfect handstand with seemingly no effort. Next, Holly performed a stunning cartwheel! Jacob danced quite athletically to Imagine Dragons, even jumping and spinning in the air! Finally, William performed an original skit which involved Sam, portraying a bear, attacking Bryce. We were amazed by all of our acts of course, our campers are exceptional, but the originality of these three was something special.

Another Camp talent show tradition is cabin performances. The boys or girls in an entire cabin will plan out a routine to do together, and these shows never disappoint. This week was all girls with Creek, Chickasaw, and Cherokee being the only cabins who organized an act. It was great seeing all the girls working together to score points toward winning honor cabin while also having so much fun. There’s nothing like the talent show to make lifelong memories!

McCartney Hagar, PR Intern

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