Overcoming Obstacles

It sometimes happens that a Camp ASCCA camper will arrive for an activity that they absolutely do NOT want to do. In fact, no way Jose, it is not going to happen. It is typically an activity that is either brand new to them or perhaps their biggest fear. For example, many have never experienced the zip-line or ropes course. Some have never been tubing or maybe they don’t like animals or water. Whatever the challenge, it is scary and they are not about it.

The cool part: Seeing campers overcome their fears and bravely facing new challenges. This blog is dedicated to you and the amazing program staff and counselors who stand behind you every step of the way.

My first time at camp was only a month ago… but I remember distinctly one young lady who was terrified of the zip-line. She had already made up her mind that there was no way this was going to happen. But then something DID happen. A beautiful combination of seeing her peers having a blast, encouragement from staff and counselors, and a spark of bravery sent her sailing through the air…and not only once, but twice! This is truly the magic of Camp ASCCA.
Several Session 1: 2015 Campers were recognized this Tuesday morning for their outstanding courage and excellence in camp activities. You can find photos of awarded campers on Camp ASCCA’s Flickr webpage.

Over and out!
Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 1: 2015


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