Overcoming the Zipline

With the first full day of camp in the books, I would like to take a second to look back on one of yesterday’s activities. I have been working here for the past four weeks, but yesterday was very special to me. It was the first day I got to see a Camp ASCCA camper go down the zipline. Now I have seen several people go down this zipline, but I finally had the privilege of capturing the pure joy of some of the campers enjoying the ride. For some, it was not easy as they conquered their fears, but for others, it was that time again to do the thing they love most about Camp.

With every picture I take, there is a story behind it. I would like to tell you a story about a camper yesterday and her experience at the zipline. When we first arrived at the zipline, she could not wait to climb up and zip down to the bottom. She was up first, so the adventure staff made sure she had everything she needed: a helmet, a harness, and a chest harness. There she goes. As she climbs up the rope to reach the top platform, a sudden panic comes over her. She was afraid to zipline down.

After all of the excitement, she was afraid of doing the zipline, but she never gave up on herself. When I was doing the interviews earlier this summer with the adventure staff here at Camp, a lot of them would say that their favorite part of working adventure staff was when campers would overcome their fears. Well yesterday, they got to see a camper overcome her fear of going down the zipline. She finally did it after a few minutes of talking to some of our adventure staff, and that is the only thing that matters.

A story like this is what makes Camp ASCCA the greatest place on Earth. The campers ability to overcome a fear that they might have is one of the most enjoyable things I have ever witnessed, and I can not wait to see more of those priceless moments of a camper having fun at Camp.

Be sure to check out all of our pictures from session one by visiting our Flickr page, and check out our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for updates and news about session one.

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