Paddles Up!

One of the most relaxing and fun ways for campers to experience beautiful Lake Martin is on a Camp ASCCA canoe! Several campers took advantage of the beautiful weather and cool breeze during this afternoon’s free choice activities.

A great thing about canoeing is that it can be as easy or challenging as you want to make it. There are those who want to sit back and enjoy the ride while others want to paddle hard and explore the lake. Canoeing also requires teamwork! It takes two people paddling on opposite sides of the canoe for it to work. The opportunity to coordinate efforts with a fellow counselor or camper is a wonderful bonding experience!

We hope that more campers will take advantage of this fun activity. There are program staff on site to teach basics to first timers and to those apprehensive about their canoeing skills

Find more canoeing photos on Camp ASCCA’s Flickr.
Lauren Schifano, PR
Session 1: 2015
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