Paddling Through the Afternoon

By Jackie Popper
Session 4

During our hot summer days the favorite activities during free choice period usually involve the water. We offer a wide variety of aquatic activities including boat rides, the pool, splash pad and canoeing. Canoeing is a general favorite among campers and counselors alike. Our canoes depart from the shore and are free to explore a secluded part of the lake. Occasionally, we provide organized canoeing trips out to a nearby island during free choice as well.

Our canoes are very traditional style canoes that can seat two to three people—usually a counselor and two campers. Like all of our activities here at camp, this activity is also adapted to a wide range of needs. If a counselor feels that one of the campers in the canoe might provide some turbulence which could, in turn, cause the canoe to tip the lifeguard can attach “out riggers” which will prevent the canoe from tipping. It is nearly impossible to tip a canoe with outriggers, making the activity extremely safe for all campers.

In addition to canoeing we offer YOLO boarding, or paddle boarding, down at the lake. The YOLO board is a wide plastic board that resembles a surfboard that has been inflated. The passenger stands or kneels on the board and paddles themselves. Occasionally an adventurous camper will attend canoeing and insist that their counselor take them YOLO boarding. If the camper is incapable of YOLO boarding by themselves a counselor can stand at the back half of the board and the camper can sit near the front. Though this way requires a very good sense of balance, this is an excellent way to explore our lake. Today we had several campers at canoeing and we even had some adventurous ones try YOLO boarding. It was a very successful day at the lake front—a great way to conclude camp!

Make sure to check Flickr for the photos from the week!

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