Payless ShoeSource builds more with Camp ASCCA

Payless ShoeSource employees from throughout the Southeast joined us today for a day of construction and cleaning around Camp ASCCA. The group was led by Kevin Rickman, the District Leader for Payless in the Atlanta area. The Payless team volunteered to spend their day resurfacing the George Proctor Bridge and cleaning up the porch area surrounding the Oscar C. Dunn Rotary Environmental Center.

The George Proctor Bridge is located between the miniature golf course and bocce ball. The team worked throughout the day to replace the old bridge with fresh new boards across the path.

While no wood replacement was involved, the porch that wraps around the Oscar C. Dunn Rotary Environmental Center also received some special treatment today. One group worked tirelessly on scrubbing the entire surface to remove any grime and mold buildup that may have occurred over the past year.

We’d like to thank Payless ShoeSource and everyone that helped out today for their continued support of everything we do here at Camp ASCCA!

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