People of Camp ASCCA: Hayley Edwards

Hayley is from Montgomery, Alabama and lives in Auburn. Her first session at Camp ASCCA was Session 1 in 2015. Hayley was back for Session 1 this summer as well, and she had an awesome time.

Her cousins Evie and Isaac Shoemaker joined her this week for Session 3. Sports Camp has been different than her first visit to camp this summer since the focus is completely on sports.

Hayley’s favorite activity during Sports Camp was the zip tower, which is a higher version of the zip line.

She also enjoys being with her counselor this week, Casey Wermuth, who she says is the “best counselor ever!” Hayley’s advice to new campers is to “HAVE FUN!”
Or with counselor?

April Garrett, PR Staff
Summer 2016
Session 3 Sports Camp

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