People of Camp ASCCA: Tyler Corlett

Meet Tyler Corlett!
Tyler is a new a camper here at Camp ASCCA. I met him and his mom, Leslie Corlett, Sunday at check-in. They both were very excited to finally be at Camp ASCCA and were looking forward to all of the fun adventures that Teen Week has to offer.
Tyler is a rising sophomore at Oak Mountain High School in Birmingham, Al. He found out about camp through his classmates and there are quit a few of Oak Mountain students and recent graduates here this week.

Tyler and his classmates, Maddie Templeton and Kyle McGee are having a blast at Teen Week! Maddie just graduated this past May and Kyle is a rising junior. Pictured with Maddie, Kyle and Tyler are their classmates Sam Law, Brandon Kelley, Christian Thomaston and Chandler Thomaston.
Sam, Brandon, Christian and Chandler just graduated in May 2016. They have been coming to camp for years working as CIT’s, then SCIT’s and now as first year counselors.

Chrisitian is Tyler’s counselor this week and they are having a great adventuring together at Camp ASCCA this week!

Tyler’s classmates, Maddie Templeton and Kyle McGee are also here this week for Teen Week. Maddie just graduated this past May and Kyle is a rising junior.

Maddie and her counselor Ashley! Kyle and his counselor Chandler!
We are so glad to have all of these Oak Mountain students with us this week and part of the ASCCA family. We love to see that our campers and staff love camp so much that they want to share it with their classmates, friends and communities.

Welcome to the ASCCA Family, Tyler!

As Always it is a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA!
Check out all the memories being made this week and more information about Camp ASCCA and it’s staff on Camp ASCCA’s website, ASCCA’s Flickr, Instagram (@campascca), Facebook and YouTube.

Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2016
People of Camp ASCCA
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