Philanthropy 101 Student from Montgomery Academy Donates $1,000

Philanthropy 101 is a summer program at The Montgomery Academy where selected seniors are challenged and taught how their own abilities can make a difference in their community. The course was created by The Montgomery Academy and the W. James Samford, Jr. Foundation. The president of the W. James Samford, Jr. Foundation and sister of James Samford, Jr., Lucinda Cannon, has been a benefactor for Philanthropy 101 for several years and has also supported Camp outside of the Montgomery Academy program. This year, the program was also supported by Mr. and Mrs. E. Temple Millsap III, Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Harmon, and The Montgomery Academy.

Montgomery Academy Philanthropy 101 2017

The students do not earn school credit at the end of the course, but they are given a stipend that must be partly given to the nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization of his or her choice. Two weeks ago, the Philanthropy 101 students visited Camp to learn a few things from Camp Director Matt Rickman about what we do here and how a nonprofit organization operates, and they also helped the Central Alabama Community Foundation present a surprise grant to Camp. Then, after several similar visits to a variety of nonprofit organizations over the three-week course period, the students are given the opportunity to present their stipends to their chosen organizations.

On Thursday, June 15th, Camp Director Matt Rickman visited The Montgomery Academy for a special luncheon where the participating seniors were to give a final presentation about the organization he or she chose and to present their donations. This year, Camp ASCCA received a $1,000 donation from Montgomery Academy’s Kevin Doh. Kevin was intrigued by everything we do here at Camp and the people we serve, and he requested that the donation be used in whatever area it was needed most.

Kevin Doh Donates $1,000

The remaining donations were presented to Children’s of Alabama, Father Purcell Memorial Exceptional Children’s Center, Medical Outreach Ministries, Montgomery Area Non-Traditional Equestrians, Sawyerville Day Camp, Tukabatchee Area Council – Boy Scouts of America, and Valiant Cross Academy.

We would like to say thank you to Kevin Doh for choosing Camp ASCCA as his donation recipient and to the Philanthropy 101 program for taking initiative and making a difference in the surrounding communities!

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