It’s a BEAUTIFUL day for a picnic at Camp ASCCA!!
Who doesn’t love a picnic! This summer we are having picnic lunches on Wednesdays and they are so much fun! Each cabin picks a spot at camp that they want to eat lunch and our Amazing kitchen staff packs us a delicious lunch to enjoy with all our friends. We love getting to spend time adventuring with our campers. Those adventures are not always as big as going down the ziplining or tubing… sometimes our adventures are peaceful, like today at lunch.

​It has been forever since I had a picnic lunch with friends and I am so glad that I go to enjoy this adventure with my ASCCA family!
Thanks for the memories!
As Always we are having a GREAT day here at Camp ASCCA!
Check out all the memories being made and more information about Camp ASCCA and it’s staff on Camp ASCCA’s website, ASCCA’s Flickr, Instagram (@campascca), Facebook and YouTube.
Sara Shea, PR
Camp ASCCA 2016
Picnic Lunch
Camp ASCCA 2016
Picnic Lunch