Pool Party, Take 2

We think it’s safe to say that the first full day of Session 1 was a success! Earlier in the day, campers enjoyed various activity rotations with our awesome Program Staff, ate some tasty food and ended the night with even more fun. Our campers who enjoyed free choice activities on Sunday night got to make a splash with their friends at tonight’s pool party!

If the Fun Police existed, we’d all be in trouble because that’s the only thing that happens at Camp pool parties! There were campers lounging around on floats, some played volleyball or basketball and others splashed around with their counselors. We even had campers come in with matching bathing suits!

Two campers with blue polka dot matching bathing suitsCamper and Counselor walking into the pool

Pool parties are easily one of the many highlights of the week because being in the water is so enjoyable for the campers, especially those who spend majority of their day in wheelchairs. We want everyone to enjoy what Camp has to offer as much as possible, and we make the necessary accommodations for them to do just that. The smiles on their faces when they finally get in the water are priceless! It’s as if in that very moment, nothing else matters! They’re surrounded by friends and getting some much needed relaxation. Throughout the pool party, counselors will swap out floating the camper around. This allows the camper to spend as much time in the pool as they’d like, and gives counselors a chance to help out in other areas where needed.

Sometimes we have campers with medical conditions, such as seizures, that don’t necessarily allow them to get in the pool. But they still get to sit on the edge and put their feet in, so they’re able to mingle with everyone else! Our counselors also do a good job at finding other ways to entertain them such as blowing bubbles, pulling out coloring books and other fun things. No matter what, we’re certain everyone is having a blast!

Camper holding up a peace signCamper and Counselor floating in the water

Stay tuned for more Session 1 excitement on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, and right here on our website!

Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017
Session 1

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