As I drove through the Camp ASCCA gates on May 30th, there were so many emotions running through me at once. I was nervous because I wasn’t sure how I’d fit in, afraid because I didn’t want to fail, but I was also hopeful for a life-changing experience. And that’s exactly what I got!
My first couple of weeks were pretty eventful as I hit the ground running, taking pictures and writing blogs. But it didn’t feel like work because I enjoyed what I was doing! In the midst of all that, Kasey was a huge help in terms of showing me ways to improve my photography, video editing, and writing skills! As the summer has progressed, it’s been cool to see how my work has evolved as I’ve learned new ways to do all those things.

Along with working hard, there were moments in which I got to play hard, too! A lot of the activities we offer at Camp I’ve either never heard of or have never had the opportunity to do. Over the course of the summer I’ve gotten the chance to go tubing for the first time, zoom down the zip tower and even went horseback riding. Doing those few activities really opened my eyes to how much there is to explore in the world. I just never did these types of things growing up, but to get to do them at a place such as this made it all the more worthwhile!
The people I met this summer have also played a huge role in the type of experience I’ve had at ASCCA, this summer. You can really tell that Matt and the rest of his staff are very selective in the type of people they hire. Just getting the chance to talk to some of them, whether it be through an interview for a blog or just causal converstation, has been great. I’ve enjoyed learning why they love Camp so much and watching them interact with the campers.

Speaking of campers, my summer wouldn’t have been the same without them! Though not on the same level as a counselor, the mini bond I got to make with some of them is something I will cherish forever. I also got to work alongside some of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. Clayton, April, Karla and Kasey, thanks for being the best PR crew around and a part of some my most favorite Camp memories.

I’m not sure if I mentioned this in my introduction blog, but when I came to interview with Dana and Kasey, I knew ASCCA was a special place! It just felt so right and I as I was heading back to Auburn once it was over, I knew in my heart it was where I needed to be. It’s been an honor to serve alongside such an amazing group of staff members and I’m thankful for such an awesome experience. Everyone, including the campers, have blessed me in more ways than one and I can honestly say that this was the best summer of my life!

Until next time,
Jasmine Reed, PR
Camp ASCCA 2017