Congratulations are in order to the 2017 Teen Week Prom King Daniel Gonsalves and Prom Queen Kelsi Moore. Throughout the week, campers campaigned as voting day swiftly approached. There were signs on different buildings all across camp! Some people were like Kelsi and even brought yard signs which they stuck in the ground along sidewalks. The amount of preparation, creativity and effort put into everything was extremely impressive!
As Camp Director Matt Rickman announced the winners, he listed off various characteristics of each and it made sense why they were so deserving. “Oh my gosh, Kelsi is so awesome,” her counselor, Marlo, said. “Everything they said about her is true! She’s so sweet and it’s been such a great week with her!” Kelsi’s positive energy lit up the room wherever she went, and that smile….so contagious.

Daniel was described by Matt as a “Dancing Machine” and that was no exaggeration! If you turn on some music and look across the room, you’d see “Danni G” dancing up a storm. He’s hilarious and just an all around great guy to be around! “He’s a cool guy,” his counselor, Ahmad, said. “He’s very independent and interacted really well with the other campers. He did really well with Mo, too. Usually older campers don’t like to do a lot with younger ones, but these two hit it off pretty well!” Mo, Ahmad’s other camper for the wee, was just as excited as Ahmad when Danni G won.
The crowd roared with cheers and applause as everyone expressed their excitement and joy for Danny G and Kelsi! Marlo and Ahmad’s faces beamed like that of proud parents as they watched their campers receive their crowns from the 2016 Prom King and Queen Jeffery Lewis and Katlyn Miller. Kelsi and Danni G took their first dance as King and Queen and were later joined on the dance floor by the rest of their Camp friends!

Awards of the week were also given out today during dinner! Congratulations to the following campers and staff members on an awesome job this week: Shooting Sports – Will Cooper, Demo Farm – Dewayne Ray, Aquatics – Eric Anderson, Adventure – Chase Curenton, Best Program Staff- Lauren Dunn, Best Counselor – Janay McIntosh, Sports Camp Spirit Award – Tyler Hall, Sports Camp MVP – Carrie Williams, Best Female Camper – Lacey Dubose, Best Male Camper – Cale Galloway and Honor Cabin – Crow!
Session 3 was a blast and we can’t wait to see everyone next summer! To see all the fun we had this week be sure to check out Flickr,Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram