Camp ASCCA’s 48th summer will kick off in a couple of days, and our program staff has completed their training! They arrived on May 28th for a week-long orientation. Members of our adventure, aquatics, outdoor education, and arts & crafts staff were welcomed to Camp by our full-time staff Tuesday morning. This year’s staff is made up of new and returning faces, and they are eager to make this the best summer yet.

Training began with introductions, and then we dove straight into policies and procedures. Our goal is for our staff to know the ins and outs of Camp ASCCA and its history. After policies and procedures, the program staff broke off into their respective areas. Throughout the week, our staff has been learning all there is to know about their programs. We want to ensure that our staff is comfortable with how everything works in their program. There is so much that goes into making sure our campers and staff stay safe, have fun, and enjoy every moment.

Our program staff is off to a great start, and we are excited for yet another summer! We’ll see you soon!
To see more pictures from this week, click here.