Prom Night: See Me Beautiful

You think prom is a big deal in high school but it does not even compare to a Camp ASCCA prom. It has been an amazing experience this week for everyone. As our friend Zeb put it, “It’s about the campers having the time of their lives this week and being able to experience prom and all of the small things we take for granted.”

Everything was set up beautifully in the dining hall with table cloths, center pieces, and lights. But the true sight to see was the campers; they glowed as they walked up from the cabins to take their pictures before dinner.

After dinner, tables were cleared out to make room for the dance floor. Campers and counselors alike couldn’t seem to stay off the dance floor. No one wanted to miss out on any of the special moments happening before their very own eyes, especially the prom queen and king announcement.

Everyone voted for their choice of queen and king and they choose two amazing campers: April Green and Jonathan Vansteenburg. There were cheers, hugs, and even some tears as everyone watched their crowning. They danced to Sister Hazel’s “See Me Beautiful” and others began to join in after the first chorus.

It was heartfelt evening filled with special moments we will always treasure.

-Erica Loyd
Session three

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