Push Camp 2010

This week, March 14-18th, 21 young men representing 5 colleges/universities have come to Camp ASCCA to make it a better place!

For 18 years, members of Pi Kappa Phi fraternity nationwide have visited Camp ASCCA to work for the annual Push Camp, a project of Push America, the fraternities national philanthropy.

Indiana University, Moorehead State, University of Alabama Birmingham, University of South Alabama and North Georgia College & State University were all represented.

The members are working on a new shade shelter for the accessible horseback riding ring, a decking area and pathways for the new accessible waterslide, pathways at the pond, and much, much more!

According to the Push America website:

The mission of Push America is “Building leaders of tomorrow by serving people with disabilities today.” We are committed to improving the lives of others through our service projects while teaching disability awareness
to the men who are dedicating their time. The men who participate in these events raise money for Push America’s service projects. This allows them to see first hand where the money is distributed across the country. Our construction project grants are awarded to organizations that can help provide in the mission of Push America.

And Push Camp is described as:
Pi Kappa Phi members come together for three separate weeks during the month of March for an “Alternative Spring Break” experience. These events take place at selected residential camps around the country that serve people with disabilities. Student volunteers renovate or construct buildings or other accessible projects in addition to completing much needed wish list projects. Grant recipents are responsible for securing lodging and meals for the volunteers. Push Camp grants do not exceed $5,000 and must be at least 50% matched with in-kind or
matching gifts. The entire amount of the grant must go toward the purchasing of materials for the Push Camp projects.

To see photos from Push Camp 2010, click here.

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