Rain, Rain, Go Away!

by Jackie Popper
Session 4

Among many of the wonderful themes here at camp—love, kindness, happiness, compassion, we seem to have one common thread throughout all of the summer: rain. Almost every session this summer we have had at least one afternoon of bad weather, leaving campers in the gym with no activity sessions for that time slot. However, rain at ASCCA does not mean sad faces and gloomy campers. Our Program Staff has created some activities that can make even the darkest of days fun.

Today, unfortunately, was another afternoon spent in the gym. But fortunately for our campers, our Program Staff was ready to go with some games for the gym that were a lot of fun. Today we played two games: the song game and a reverse scavenger hunt. The song game was the more simple of the two—the campers, upon being divided into groups, were given a word (today’s was love) that they had to find in as many songs as possible. Then, after a 4 minute time period, every group had to stand up and sing their song with the word love in it. Each group took a turn singing a song (none could be repeated) until the groups ran out of songs to sing.

The second game was a bit more complicated and chaotic. On one side of the gym the Program Staff stood with a bandana in their hand awaiting the arrival of their groups. On the other stood the groups huddled, awaiting the item that needed to be delivered. The campers and staff in each group pooled their items together and the Program Staff directing the game called out an object. At that point it was a race to see which group could produce the item the fastest, and then race across the gym to their respective Staff members to earn the point. Some of the items in today’s scavenger hunt included: bug spray, something Auburn, something Alabama, Sunglasses, a watch etc.

Though the weather was dark and gloomy the afternoon was not. Our campers had a great time playing games in the safety of our gym.

Make sure to check out pictures from this week on our Flickr!

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