Camp ASCCA Session 6 2023 started off with a fun day of games, food, and making new friends. Campers started arriving around 2:00 in the afternoon. With temperatures reaching up to 98 degrees this week, Camp ASCCA is ready to have some fun in the sun!
Campers were excited to meet staff, see their cabins, and make new friends during check-in. Camp ASCCA counselors provided different ways to pass the time with sidewalk chalk and football. Counselors and campers alike were eager to meet the people they will be spending the week with. Once all campers were checked in it was time for some pizza!
Camp ASCCA served Papa Johns pizza with a side salad and a choice of sweet tea, lemonade, or water. Campers and staff chowed down while enjoying the refreshments. After dinner, Camp Director Matt Rickman gave a short speech on what the week is looking like. Tubing, farm animals, and pool parties are expected activities campers will be participating in this week.

For our final activity of the day we played Bingo! Each round lasted around 15-20 minutes until a camper yelled bingo. Campers could choose different types of arcade prizes if they won a round. At the end of the night campers and staff played “Blackout”. Blackout is where campers had to fill their entire bingo board to win. Camp ASCCA had a great first day of session 6 winning prizes and having fun!